Get Paid Per Click 2022

Get Paid Per Click It’s 100% free, you don’t need any equipment or previous experience. You can do this from the comfort of your home with your laptop connected to the internet


Now I will share the website that you can use to make money by clicking. But before we do that you will need to have a PayPal account set up. After you have done that you can continue with the next step.


And that’s going to this website. To find this website just type in google.


So what this site does is, shortens long links. One popular link shortening site is Bitly. And if you have heard of you will have a pretty good idea of what this site does.


But what makes this site different than is when someone clicks on the links that you have shortened with you get paid per click.


And the way this works is if you shorten a link with and share it with someone. When they click on that link they will be shown an ad and then will be taken to the actual link.


So this is how you will be paid. The ad revenue is going to be split between you and But by using alone you will not be able to get paid. That’s why I will be sharing another site that you need to use to be able to earn from clicking.


Be sure to watch the next important parts so you will be able to use this to earn money. Also, another thing worth mentioning is that this website has other payment methods different than PayPal.


And if you check the Payout Rates on you see the countries in which this works. And if it’s available in your country you can see how much you can earn per 1000 people that click on your link.


But don’t worry if it’s not available in your country. By the end of this video, I will share something that is available worldwide and that’s the same thing I am doing to earn money from home online.


Anyway, let’s get back to Now next what you need to do is to create an account on To do that, click on the login button, and on the bottom right of the window that will open you will have a create an account option. (on the next page explain the steps)


Once you are registered you will be able to login into your new account. And then you will be able to see all the information on how many shortened URLs you have, how many clicks, current balance, earnings, etc. So now that you have this setup we can move on to the next step.


Go to the site many. links. And for those of you who don’t know what this is. Many. links is a platform that allows you to share more than one link on a simple landing page.


You will be able to benefit from many.links by creating a landing page where you can put all of your links. And if you are wondering why you need to use this. It’s because if you start sharing the link directly you can easily get yourself restricted from a lot of those platforms where you have posted the link.


That’s why you will need to use a landing page from many.links and you get the benefit of adding more than one link. So now you need to continue forward with creating your many.links account. After you have set up your account you can move on to the next step.


And the next step requires a bit of google searching. You will need to search for a helpful post on a specific niche that you are interested in. For example, you can search how to make money on ClickBank. You can basically search for any big niche that people are interested in.


After you have found what you want to share just open it and copy the link. Then you go to your profile paste the link that you had just copied and shorten it. After that, you copy your shortened link and go to your many.links account.


Then add your link there and you also will need to add a title. For the title, you could use the same title that was used on the web post. Then you just need to click on the create link button and you are finished.


And you should do this process a few more times. And then you will be ready to move on to the next step.


Now that your link is ready you will need to find traffic for it. And whenever someone clicks on your landing page link they will be directed to the shortened link where they’re going to see an ad before they get to the web post you are sharing. And that’s how you will get paid.


There are many different ways how you can get free traffic to your link. One of the best ways is by using Facebook. You will need to go on Facebook and search for groups that are in the same niche as the post you are sharing. And there are many groups in nearly all niches with lots of members that are interested in what you have to share.


So to be able to get great results you will need to join as many groups as you can. And then what you don’t want to do is spam the link in all the groups. Don’t do that guys trust me. It doesn’t work like that.


Instead what you will need to do is, interact with the members of the groups. For example, there are many posts where people are asking for help. And that’s how you can share your link by answering their call for help.


You can also post value posts in the group and say for example if you are interested leave a comment below and ask for the link to the post. And you need to be clear that you are not selling anything but just sharing valuable help.


And that way you will increase the chance of more people asking for your link. So that way you won’t be breaking the group rules, you will be giving free help to people, and at the same time, you will be making money.




And we know that this method is good, right. You can make a couple of hundred dollars, maybe even a thousand dollars. But this is not something that’s gonna make you rich. This is not going to retire you.


If you are someone who wants to earn maybe up to $10.000 per month, then click the first link down below this video. And that’s the same exact thing that I used to help me go from a broke student who was working on the side for less than a minimum wage, struggling to pay my bills, to making my first 6 figures online.


In fact, the first 6 figure earnings that I generated were in the first year since starting my online business. And I was able to earn that money while spending more time with family and friends, and doing the things that I love.

And yes this does sound kind of cliché but my business was running in the background for me, it was doing sales online for me while I was enjoying my time. And if you want to learn how to do that click here.



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